Coached By Crys


Coached By Crys

"I'm the hood girl that works in Corporate Spaces and Faces!" ©️ 
I am a Business Consultant and Career Development Coach from South, FL. at Coached By Crys . 
I know you're probably thinking to yourself what's that?  Let me explain. 
Climbing my way up from an entry level telesales agent position to holding executive titles within Corporate America. All before 30 and without a college degree my services are Top Tier! My hire rate is 95%, that my biggest flex . 
My brother would always ask, "How do you get those good a$$ jobs?" The answer was simple. 
I developed character on paper but also carried that out through my interview process.
Leading inside of Corporate America doors has provided me the experience, tools, and knowledge to start, build and scale a business.
I teach you primary yet imperative skills that contribute to your Business and Career Growth. With me you get the employee and the entrepreneur. My expertise consists of:
✔️ Resume Expectations 
✔️ Interview Mastery 
✔️ Hiring Factors 
✔️ Business Startup 
✔️ Business Branding
✔️ Business Marketing
✔️ Business Infrastructure 
✔️ Business Operation & much more! 
My expertise thrives on problem solving and I'm actually pretty damn good at it. 
Book A 1:1 or Check Out My Digital Currency Library.